Drawn together by a love of the water Dave, Jamie and James know where they want to be.. by or preferably in the sea.
A lifetime of chasing the wind and waves, the boys have always been called by the sea. A soloist pursuit by its nature but one that needs to be shared, to be relived in the retelling. Of recounted exploits on windswept beaches, of near misses and heroic saves, with sand between numbing toes and salt drying on sun creased faces. The boys realised that it wasn’t just the activity on the water that they loved but the community fostered by it.
The Beach Company was formed with the idea to pour all their experiences into one venue creating a melting pot of activities fuelled by great food and drink. A Beach Club that is a hub for the community. And that is what the thebeach@littlehampton is all about, somewhere to enjoy all that the sea has to offer and then to tell your friends all about it as well.